Today, a tornado of political correctness hit my mock trial newspage, leaving one article unlinked (though not deleted... tee hee hee!), and others watered down in the sake of Oprahfication.

It's not like I used swear words, attacked any actual people (I only attacked their roles in the mock trial), or anything that bad. No, I only referred to the Believers as culties, and the prosecution as a bunch of morons. I did not say the people themselves who had positions in the prosecution were morons!

So thank you, Oprahfication and political correctness, for screwing me over.


Back when I was in the 11th grade, we had a mock trial in US government class. I did the website for the trial, which was basically a fine example of yellow journalism. When the construction dust cleared and the participants in the trial had a look, one particular prosecuting attorney (J.R.) whined because I got a bit carried away in the case and let the airhorns blow as loud as they could blow, essentially showing the prosecution as a bunch of morons. Several articles were edited as a result, and one was unlinked since it would be about impossible to rewrite an opinion page to make it politically correct while making its point.

Here's a page I would have used to protest the stupidity of the decision to have me clean the site up.