If you are using Netscape 4 or 6, you will probably want to get Opera 5.1, Netscape 3.0, or Mozilla because of one reason: NETSCAPE 4+ SUCKS! This page is 100% standards compliant HTML 4.01 and CSS. And it looks bad in Netscape 4 with style sheets on. If you're a diehard Netscape fan, may I suggest upgrading (downgrading) to version 3.0 or unchecking Enable style sheets
in your preferences? Actually, Mozilla is quite a good browser, and it is essentially Netscape 5.0, so there's no reason not to get it if you like Netscape.
As for Netscape 6: Although Netscape 6 (and 7) renders this site with little trouble (especially newer revisions based on newer Gecko engines), it is so unbelievably BLOATED that running it on 64MB is bad enough, and you can forget it on 32. And it BLOWS, to boot.
Even the dreaded crappy Internet Explorer is better than Netscape, as it is more standards compliant than Netscape 4 and less bloated than Netscape 6.
This only applies to IE5.5. IE6 sucks so bad it gets its own rant.
Mozilla is actually not nearly as bloated as it once was, and Opera 6 now needs more memory than the last version. Netscape 6 has come a pretty long way, and Netscape 7.01 actually blocks pop-ups! Still, Mozilla doesn't come with all the sh!t NS7 comes with.
You have to remember that in those days, you were basically stuck between a disaster waiting to happen (Internet Explorer), a piece of crap that couldn't do anything right (Netscape 4), and a bloat monster (Netscape 6). Opera was okay, but too many dumbasses blocked it, and Mozilla was ultra-bloated alpha code.
And I had a badly-designed computer at the time (and still do, but I fixed the major design flaw by putting 128 megs in the POS) that ran WinME on only 32 megabytes of RAM. This point has become pretty irrelevant as hand-me-downs and garbage can machines tend to come with at least 64 megabytes nowadays.