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Mock Trial News

The Believers Got What They Deserved

by Rellik Nomekop

In all honesty, the Believers deserved what they got from whoever set these fires. They are a nuisance! The day before the fires were set, I went to a Believer-owned store to buy a pop. When I went to pay for the stuff, the cultie owner acted like a SNOB. And to top off his snobbery, he added a 50 percent non-Believer tax.

Worse yet, they took over the lake, and they are dipping AIDS nuggets in it! These guys are the biggest nuts I have ever seen, with their harmonization crud and their holier-than-thou attitude. They cleansed some guy last week, and the fish started to float to the top a few hours later!

Then someone set their temple, indoctrination center, and clinic ablaze. The smell of the cult's stupid buildings burning was so great! The stupid freaks were running all around and screaming like their stupid selves.

So I think they got what they needed to get their stupid cult out of the town of Southpoint, where they DON'T belong!!


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Last updated 17 May 2002.