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Mock Trial News

Whitman Trial: Day 2

Once again, the police officer identified the defendant as driving a Honda. The witness also asked the judge a question, which got the defense going quite a bit.

Another prosecution witness, an assistant hotel clerk, testified that someone in the hotel complained about some baby crying, who may have been left there by Alex Whitman, the Honda-driving kidnapping suspect.

And today, the defense witnesses came forward, the first being a bank teller. He said that Whitman was a nice guy who came to close an account and take out $700.

Another defense witness came up and testified that he met Whitman at his kids store, and Whitman was buying $250 worth of baby stuff. Whitman also said he was going on a trip, and then about how much he cared for his daughter. Whitman stayed there for around an hour and 15 minutes. The witness also said he was a nice guy who cared about the environment, etc.

Almost every witness seemed to say that Whitman was planning to take some kind of trip, and a defense witness seemed to also make a conviction for grand theft likely.


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Last updated 17 May 2002.