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Mock Trial News

Whitman Trial: Day 1

Today the jury heard opening statements from both sides. Both of these statements were fairly compelling. When the guardian of the abducted girl came to the stand to testify, a defense attorney kept smiling at her for no apparent reason. The same attorney cross-examined her, and she revealed that she left her beloved child alone in the park for 15 minutes.

The defendant, Alex Whitman, is accused of abducting his own daughter Jennifer from her guardian, a 42-year-old grandmother (!).

During the trial, two national heroes, Matt N. and Kevin M., came to the door of the courtroom. Unfortunately, the judge, in his infinite wisdom, shooed the two out. Soon after, the prosecution attorney began leading the witness -- twice! Not even twice -- thrice!

Another witness, the guardian's neighbor, showed up for the prosecution. As she was pointing her house out on a map, the defense once again started interrupting. After they called that witness, the court took a recess.

After the recess, a veteran police officer was called as a witness. He identified Alex Whitman as the guy driving the black Honda through a red light. One of the jurors started throwing some of the evidence (a ball) around, which was eventually caught by the judge. The witness still started to give testimony to the prosecution that seemed to make the case.


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Last updated 17 May 2002.