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Mock Trial News

Bell Trial: Day 4

The prosecution made themselves look dumb at the very beginning when they started saying that Terry Bell was guilty. The witnesses also delayed the trial for some time with their chatter.

Then the defendant began to testify. Bell said he was kicked off the land by the culties when he was setting up the local picnic. He also testified that people were being cleansed in the lake by these culties. When he referred to the healings by fire the culties perform, he was interrupted by the prosecuting attorney saying that he did the fire healings.

Bell said his main goal at the protest was to get the people's attention, and after the protest, he went to warn the leader of the cult, Kelly Parker, that some out-of-towners were coming to burn down the cult's buildings.

Bell did insult his court-appointed lawyer, so that proves that he's not perfect, either. And he's definitely not guilty. But he said he didn't start any fires.

Then the prosecuting attorney began asking questions in an effort to get the jury to convict Bell.

The defense has a lot better case. Of course Terry wouldn't defeat himself and burn down the cult's buildings. They would burn their own stuff down for the town's pity.


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Last updated 17 May 2002.